When you register a new puppy or kitten with Bayswater Veterinary Clinic, a member of our qualified vet nurse team will guide you through the vital first weeks and months of pet ownership – and you can call or email any of our nurses for free advice on any matter, however small.
Contact a nurse for free advice
We aim to see all our puppies and kittens at least every four weeks in the first few months, which means very soon they will come to think of us as part of the family. Owners always tells us how eager their puppies are to come and visit. Maybe it’s those liver treats?
Book an appointment with a nurse
Other free advice
As well as our puppy and kitten advisers, we also offer free pet healthcare advice via our monthly email newsletter. Sign up and you’ll get timely, proactive pet-care advice, aimed at preventing common pet problems, delivered directly to your inbox every month.