March 7, 2021
Rabbits tend to be fairly easy to care for, but accidents and health emergencies can happen. It’s important to remember that most rabbit emergencies will require professional veterinary treatment, but you may be able to provide basic first aid and treat minor injuries or ailments on the spot if you have a rabbit first aid kit.
Call us for advice on: 020 7229 2040
Bayswater Veterinary Clinic’s nursing team has this advice for you about what constitutes a rabbit emergency and what your first aid kit should include.
You should see a vet immediately if your rabbit has: a large open wound, an escape of flowing, spurting or oozing blood, pale or blue gums, laboured breathing (mouth open), excessive diarrhoea, is seizuring or has lost consciousness, has eaten something harmful, or hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12 hours or more.
Your rabbit’s first aid kit should include:
- Phone number for your vet.
- Small pet carrier and towels.
- Hand sanitiser and gloves.
- Gauze pads, cotton buds & pads, soft bandages & vet wrap bandages.
- Blunt tipped scissors & tweezers, nail clippers, eye dropper.
- Feeding syringes to administer food, water or medicines.
- Digital rectal thermometer and petroleum jelly – normal body temperature should be 101-103 degrees Fahrenheit, rectal reading should be 103-104.
- Instant cold packs – use on the side of the carrier for heatstroke, or wrap in a towel if using briefly on a swelling. Quick temperature change can cause shock.
- Heat pad for mild hypothermia – never put directly under your rabbit, use a towel and put on a low setting.
- Saline or pet-safe antimicrobial solution (Hibiscrub) to clean wounds.
- Pet-specific antibacterial spray (Vetericyn) for treating wounds & infections.
- Any medications prescribed to your rabbit.
- Brushes and flea comb.
- Pot of baby food with rabbit-safe ingredients (try organic pumpkin or squash with no additives or preservatives) for when your rabbit won’t eat. Dilute it with water and use a feeding syringe to administer it slowly. An alternative is Oxbow Critical Care for herbivores.
- Small LED Flashlight for examining eyes, nose and ears.
Call us on 020 7229 2040 to get some of these items and for rabbit first aid advice.