March 14, 2020
There are few things more irritating than an itchy insect bite, as anyone who’s encountered a mosquito will know. So imagine how your cat feels if it’s harbouring fleas and getting bitten constantly. And it’s not just about the irritation either – fleas can leave your cat anaemic with their bloodsucking ways and they also carry the larvae of other parasites, including tapeworms.
If your cat is scratching more than seems normal, it may well have picked up some fleas, especially as they’re more active when the weather warms up, so it’s probably time to take action. There are plenty of preventative measures you can take as well as ways of getting rid of existing fleas, and Bayswater Vets’ team have put together some ideas here.
As always, if you have any concerns or questions about fleas and protection for your cat, we’re just at the end of a phone on 020 7229 2040 and always happy for you to contact us for a chat.
Contact us for cat flea protection advice
Hopefully you keep your cat’s flea prevention programme is up to date, but if you don’t have a regime in place why not give our nurse Kate a call on 020 7229 2040 to talk through the possibilities? There are various options and we will be happy to prescribe the one that best suits your cat’s needs.
Has your cat got fleas?
What to look out for:
- Excessive scratching, chewing and biting, especially around the head and hindquarters
- Droppings – tiny, black spots in your cat’s fur (mainly dried blood)
- Loss of fur
How to get rid of them
Cats aren’t known for their love of water but it could be time for a bath with a specialist shampoo to help kill off fleas. Flea combs are also an effective and low-cost way of removing fleas and killing them by dipping the comb in hot, soapy water once caught.
It’s a good idea to treat your home to get rid of any fleas and eggs that may be lurking. Again Kate will be able to help with suggestions when you contact us.