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Vets in Bayswater Share Important Facts About E. cuniculi in Rabbits

December 12, 2024

As a rabbit owner, ensuring your pet’s health and happiness is a top priority. One condition that often goes unnoticed but can seriously impact rabbits is E. cuniculi. Bayswater Vets are sharing what you need to know about E. cuniculi, including its symptoms, treatment options, and how you can help you protect your rabbit by picking up on early signs of infection.

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What is E. cuniculi?

Our vets in Bayswater share that E. cuniculi, or Encephalitozoon cuniculi, is a microscopic parasite that can infect rabbits and affect their overall health. It primarily targets their kidneys, brain, and nervous system, potentially leading to severe health issues if left untreated.

How do rabbits contract E. cuniculi?

Rabbits typically contract E. cuniculi through exposure to infected urine, which contains spores of the parasite. These spores can spread to other rabbits in multi-rabbit homes or outdoor environments, where wild animals may introduce the parasite. Once infected, a rabbit may carry E. cuniculi throughout their life.

Symptoms of E. cuniculi

The symptoms of E. cuniculi vary, with some rabbits showing no signs at all. However, common symptoms include:

  • Head Tilt: A common sign of neurological involvement.
  • Loss of Balance: Rabbits may struggle to hop or sit steadily.
  • Incontinence: Issues with bladder control due to kidney damage.
  • Seizures: Though rare, seizures can occur if the infection severely affects the brain.

If you observe any of these symptoms, make sure you book an appointment with one of our vets at Bayswater Vets as soon as possible for a thorough check-up.

Diagnosing E. cuniculi in rabbits

E. cuniculi can be challenging to diagnose, as its symptoms overlap with other conditions. Our vets in Bayswater may perform a combination of blood tests, urinalysis, and neurological examinations to confirm the presence of the parasite.

Treatment options

Treatment for E. cuniculi often involves a combination of antiparasitic medication and supportive care for any neurological symptoms. Your rabbit’s treatment plan may vary depending on their specific health needs, so working with your vet at Bayswater Vets is essential. In addition to medications, your vet may recommend physical therapy to help regain mobility or alleviate other symptoms.

Support from Bayswater Vets’ veterinary team

Our veterinary team at Bayswater Vets are always here to support rabbits with E. cuniculi, helping with medication administration, advice on home care, and follow-up assessments.

Preventing E. cuniculi in your rabbit

Preventing E. cuniculi involves managing environmental hygiene and limiting exposure to infected rabbits. Regular vet check-ups can also help detect signs early, especially for those with multiple rabbits.

Understanding this condition is crucial for any rabbit owner to try and first prevent it, but then also to notice the symptoms and get their pet the help they need quickly. If you have any questions about this topic or are concerned about your rabbit’s health, get in touch with our team in Bayswater. 

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