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Tips from Bayswater Vets on adopting a cat

February 21, 2020

Thinking about adopting a cat? There are plenty out there in rescue centres around London needing good homes, and cats are often ideal for pet-lovers who don’t have the time to devote to the generally more demanding needs of a dog.

But what do you need to think about when bringing a new addition into your home? There is plenty of advice available from various rescue centres, but the cat-loving team at 35 Alexander Street, Bayswater, London, W2 5NU have put together a quick checklist here.

Contact us for advice on adopting a cat

Rescuing any animal is incredibly rewarding but it’s not to be rushed into or taken lightly, so if you’re considering rehoming a cat, here’s a short list of considerations:

  • Is a cat a suitable pet for all the family? Many people are allergic to cats and if you already have other pets you will also need to consider the impact on them of your new addition.
  • How much time can you spare? The amount you need to initially devote to a cat – notoriously independent animals in many ways – will depend on the type of cat you are hoping to adopt. You may be considering bringing home an older animal, one that is less healthy or taking on kittens…
  • …We say ‘kittens’ plural because most of the advice is that they should be adopted in pairs, providing each other with entertainment and companionship.
  • Be prepared. As cats are territorial creatures, they can be quite unsettled by a move and may try to hide away, sometimes for long periods, so try to block off any areas that might look tempting hidey-holes. Make sure there’s a small space they can call their own and feel safe in while they get used to their new surroundings. You’ll need a bed, a litter tray and a feeding station. They also love to claw and scratch in order to keep their nails down, so consider a scratching post or you may find your sofa bears the brunt.

Once you’re sure you and your family are ready to help out a cat in need of a new home, don’t forget that we are still open during the Coronavirus to provide critical health checks and any advice you need on the phone or by email. We’d also love to see and share pictures of your new family addition, so please do send your snaps to our Facebook page.

Send us a picture of your rescue cat

If you have an appointment coming up or if your pet needs urgent attention, then please read our latest COVID-19 information on the current situation.

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