March 7, 2019
Three ways to protect your rabbit this spring
Now that spring is on its way, you may be concerned about keeping your rabbit safe and well. Perhaps your bunny has been overheating or suffering from fleas or flystrike. Read on for Bayswater Vets’ top tips to prevent these common seasonal problems.
1. Overheating
Is your pet lethargic, unsettled or distressed? Rabbits suffer heat stroke in warm weather because they retain too much heat with their thick fur coat. If the atmosphere is humid as well, panting won’t help either.
Cool off
Keep occupied rabbit hutches out of the sun, and make sure your pet always has enough water. If you suspect your bunny is overheating, move it to a cooler area out of the sun, perhaps with a bowl of melting ice-cubes nearby.
If your rabbit gets very distressed, don’t hesitate to call us or bring her/him in to see us in Bayswater.
2. Deadly insects
Rabbit fleas can help spread the fatal disease myxomatosis. As we near the summer months when flea life-cycles speed up, it’s important you groom your rabbit regularly. Make sure you check for fleas around your bunny’s head, neck and ears.
Prevention is key
It’s a good idea to get your rabbit vaccinated against myxomatosis. Contact us today to book a vaccination.
Plus, we may recommend a rabbit flea treatment, which is highly effective in preventing and also treating existing flea infestations. Drop by and we’ll be happy to show you how to apply.
3. Flystrike
When flies lay their eggs on an injured or dirty rabbit, the resulting infestation of maggots can be fatal. The condition is very common. If your pet is overweight, prone to diarrhoea or bladder infections, or has bad teeth, she or he may have trouble keeping themselves clean of the urine and faeces that attract egg-laying flies.
Ensuring your bunny’s diet contains enough fibre will help prevent flystrike.
If you need to discuss any of these conditions, call us and one of our vets or nurses will be happy to give you help or advice.