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Recognise the Symptoms of Pet Allergies with Bayswater Vets

March 7, 2025

As the flowers bloom and the days grow warmer in London, spring brings new energy and beauty to our surroundings. However, just like us, our pets can experience the downside of the season – springtime allergies.

Cats, dogs, and even small furry pets can all be affected by environmental allergens, leading to discomfort and health concerns. Understanding the signs and knowing how to help is key to keeping your pets happy and healthy this season and Bayswater Vets is here to educate pet owners on allergy symptoms to look out for. If you suspect your pet may have an allergy, then contact us for further guidance.

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How spring-time allergies affect pets

You might be wondering, “Does my pet have hay fever?”

Pets can develop allergies to pollen, mould, grass, and other environmental triggers common in spring. These allergens can be airborne, causing issues like sneezing and itchy skin, or they can be picked up directly from contact with plants or surfaces.

Dogs and cats are particularly susceptible to airborne allergens, which may irritate their skin (atopic dermatitis) or respiratory system. For small furry pets, like guinea pigs and rabbits, dust or pollen in their bedding or outdoor enclosures can trigger sneezing, watery eyes, and skin irritation. Bayswater Vets’ veterinary team share symptoms to look out for below.

Signs of spring allergies in pets

It’s important to recognise the symptoms of allergies so you can act quickly. Common signs to look out for include:

In cats and dogs:

  • Excessive scratching, chewing, or licking
  • Red, inflamed, or sore patches of skin
  • Sneezing, coughing, or nasal discharge
  • Watery or irritated eyes
  • Hair loss or skin infections caused by excessive scratching

In small furry pets:

  • Sneezing or wheezing
  • Red or watery eyes
  • Skin irritation, especially around the face or ears
  • Reluctance to move or groom, which can indicate discomfort

How to manage spring allergies

If you suspect your pet has allergies, booking an appointment at our vet practice in Bayswater is the best first step. A proper diagnosis can help rule out other conditions and identify the allergen triggers. Here are some steps to help manage allergies:

Environmental management:

Keep your home clean by vacuuming regularly and washing pet bedding to reduce allergens. For outdoor pets, ensure enclosures are cleaned frequently and away from high-pollen areas.


Regular brushing can help remove pollen from your pet’s coat. For dogs, wiping their paws after walks can minimise exposure to irritants.

Medication and treatments:

Your vet may recommend antihistamines, soothing shampoos, or other treatments to relieve symptoms. In some cases, allergy testing or specialised diets may be advised. Never give your pet human antihistamines without your vet’s instructions as some brands may contain toxic ingredients and the dosage must be tailored to the individual pet, if recommended for them.

Bedding and materials:

Choose low-dust bedding for small pets and avoid hay or straw that might aggravate their symptoms.

When to seek help

Our vets in Bayswater advise that allergy symptoms can escalate if untreated, leading to infections or persistent discomfort. If your pet shows any signs of distress or worsening symptoms, make sure you contact our team at Bayswater Vets as soon as possible.

By staying vigilant and proactive, you can help your pets enjoy the spring season in London as much as you do – free from the itch and irritation of allergies!

Contact us for advice


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