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Our five favourite dog-based exercises

December 7, 2019

January is the most popular time of year for fresh starts – especially of the health and fitness variety.

But if you already have a dog, why pay a gym membership fee? Instead, make life better (and healthier) for both of you by getting fit together.

At Bayswater Veterinary Clinic, we’re encouraging people to get creative with their daily dog walks and try new challenges.

You need to make sure your planned activity suits your dog, of course – so if you have any concerns about your dog’s age or fitness level, please talk to Kate or another of our vet nurses for advice.

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Dog owners are statistically more likely than other people to exercise frequently, but depending on diet and other factors, it may still not be enough – and there are lots of overweight dogs out there, too.

Overweight dogs (and overweight humans) are more likely to develop health problems, especially as they age, so it makes sense to take action if you can.

We’ve listed our five favourite dog-based exercises for you to try…

  1. Upgrade your daily walk
    A one-hour walk can burn up to 200 calories, so don’t scrimp on the distance – and remember, a longer walk can be more rewarding, too. Warm up in winter months by exploring new routes that you and your dog can enjoy together.
  2. Doggy jogging
    Providing they’re fit enough, your dog will almost ALWAYS be excited to run with you – unlike fellow humans. It might take a bit of training to get the pacing right and make sure you don’t trip over each other, but it makes for a great bonding activity, too.
  3. Dog agility classes
    Whether you buy equipment for your garden or start visiting a dog club or training centre with the right gear, agility training is fun and stimulating for both you and your dog. Why not ask us about dog agility classes near Bayswater?
  4. Bikejoring
    New to you? It means you get on your bike and cycle while your dog runs ahead, pulling you in a harness. It’s mainly one for the bigger dogs, but there’s no reason you can’t train almost any breed to join in the fun. Why not find out more.
  5. CaniX
    Another one that might be unfamiliar, CaniX involves running events countrywide, starting at 2K. And you’re bound to find a weekend event near you.

And remember, if you have any questions, the team at our friendly vet practice is here to help.

Get dog exercise advice

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