October 7, 2021
When the days and nights start getting colder, the veterinary team at our Alexander Street practice recommend bringing your cat to see us for a pre-winter health check, to make sure they’re in tip-top condition.
Autumn is a good time to make sure vaccinations and parasite treatments are up to date and nip any emerging problems in the bud, to avoid them worsening during the colder months. After all, it’s a time when we’re all at our most vulnerable.
Book a pre-winter health check
So, what will we look out for at your cat’s pre-winter health check?
1) Vaccinations and parasite prevention
The first thing we’ll do when you attend a pre-winter health check is to review the basics by weighing your cat and checking their vaccinations and parasite treatments are up to date.
2) Weight and body condition
If it’s appropriate, we may have a chat with you about making sure you don’t end up with an overweight cat. As temperatures fall, it’s tempting (and natural) for us all to eat more food (back in the day because we needed more energy in winter but now…) for comfort and warmth. Also, nowadays, treats typically become more frequent in the approach to Christmas. Your cat might eat up to 25% more food during this time than they would in other seasons.
3) Common cat health conditions
If you have an older cat, arthritis can strike during cold weather. Poor vision can also be an issue, especially as the nights draw in. But at any age, we can give your cat a thorough examination to spot signs of anything that may require treatment or extra care.
4) Teeth
Like vaccinations, a seasonal check-up is a great opportunity to make sure your pet has no dental concerns. Extra treats and other rich food over winter might pose a greater threat than usual so it’s a good idea to get ahead of any issues.
If there’s anything else that worries you about your cat during autumn and winter in London, please don’t hesitate to speak to Kate, our head nurse, or any of our team; we’ll refer you to one of our friendly Vets if we feel that more attention is required.