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Keep your dog away from these festive treats

November 21, 2019

One of the best things about Christmas is the volume of yummy things around the house – and our dogs tend to agree.

However, some festive treats can be very dangerous for dogs, so it’s important to keep them out of reach.

We’ve listed some common offenders below, but if there’s anything you’re unsure about, remember that you can ask our vet nurses for advice.

Plus, if you suspect your dog has eaten or drunk anything that could harm them, don’t hesitate to call us on 020 7229 2040.

Contact us for advice

Foods that are toxic for dogs include:

  1. Chocolate – This much-loved sweet stuff contains a substance known as theobromine, which is poisonous for dogs and can make them extremely ill. Dark chocolate is the most toxic, but paler chocolates can also contain risky amounts. Unfortunately, dogs often love the smell of chocolate and will find it easily, so make sure it’s somewhere they can’t get it.
  2. Nuts – The fat in nuts can make them difficult for dogs to digest; and if they swallow nuts whole, they can cause internal obstructions, which can cause serious clinical problems.
  3. Raisins and grapes – These contain an ingredient which can cause kidney failure in our canine companions, so don’t give your dog any Christmas pudding or mince pies.
  4. Christmas dinner ingredients – Poultry skin and gravy are high in fat; while onions and garlic contain thiosulphate – both of which can cause vomiting and diarrhoea (and lead to more serious complications). Anything heavily spiced or seasoned can also cause problems, as your dog’s stomach isn’t used to it. Stuffing is a typical example.
  5. Cooked poultry bones – It might seem generous to let your dog chew on tasty bones, but they become brittle during cooking and can splinter inside your dog, causing injuries to their stomach and digestive system. Chicken and turkey bones are particularly dangerous.

In case you ever have an urgent problem, take a look at how we handle emergencies at our Alexander Street clinic.

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