COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – an update for our clients.


Is your pet vaccinated against RVHD?

May 14, 2020

Unfortunately rabbit viral haemorrhagic disease 2 is on the rise, so it’s really important to ensure your rabbit is vaccinated against it, says our head vet, Christina Goodwin, who explains more about the disease and the vaccine here.

If your rabbit is not vaccinated you can make an appointment to bring it in to Bayswater to make sure it’s covered. Simply contact us to find out how to arrange an appointment.

Make a vaccination appointment

There are two strains of rabbit viral haemorrhagic disease, known as RVHD1 and 2, and a vaccination is required for each of them. There is no cure for the disease, which is spread by myriad means, including contact between rabbits, insect bites, and even being carried on the soles of shoes. Because it is so easily spread even house rabbits aren’t immune.

Symptoms include:

  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Respiratory difficulty
  • Loss of appetite
  • Spasms
  • Bleeding from the nose or mouth

The disease is un-treatable and almost always fatal – sometimes within hours – as it causes internal bleeding in major organs, so it’s vital that your pet is protected.

Rabbits can be vaccinated from the age of five weeks and the jabs must be done annually.

You can also help to protect your pet by avoiding contact with other rabbits when you’re out and about, making sure your rabbit is nowhere near any wild cousins, and putting on fresh clothing after going out and before interacting with your pet.

If you have any more questions about RVHD don’t hesitate to call us on 020 7229 2040 and a member of the team will be happy to help.

As the COVID-19 situation evolves, we are continually reviewing the provision of our services. If you need to get your rabbit vaccinated simply book an appointment with one of our vets and put your mind at rest.

Make a vaccination appointment

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