June 7, 2020
Rabbits moult heavily, usually around every three months, and while they’re big on grooming themselves, you can help when it comes to getting rid of that excess fur.
It’s important that you have the right tools for the job and know what you’re doing, so our head nurse Kate has made some recommendations for rabbit owners in London.
If you need any further advice on rabbit care please do contact us
Contact us for advice on rabbits
While rabbits do like to groom themselves, when they’re moulting they can ingest fur. This can be dangerous because, unlike cats, rabbits can’t regurgitate a hairball, so the fur stays in their system and can cause intestinal problems.
But you must be careful with the type of brush you use as rabbits’ skin is quite delicate and can damage relatively easily. Choose a soft brush for general grooming, while a rubber brush is handy for removing the excess fur in moulting season.
If you come across any tricky matts they may need cutting out, and if you feel nervous about getting too close to your pet’s skin, it’s best to bring your rabbit to Bayswater Veterinary Clinic where we can take care of that for you.
While you’re grooming your rabbit you can check its eyes and ears too, as well as around its bottom where if faeces get clogged in the fur it can lead to flystrike. You can check their feet and the length of their claws, and generally keep a close eye on your rabbit’s overall health, checking it all over for lumps, bumps and anything else that shouldn’t be there.
Grooming is a great way for you and your rabbit to get to know each other better, so the time spent together is beneficial to both of you. If you have any concerns about your rabbit’s health or want any further advice on grooming or any other rabbit-related issues we’re here to help when you contact us .