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How to remove ticks from your dog

March 14, 2019

Playing outdoors is risky business. We’re talking specifically about ticks; these are small parasites that attach themselves to your pet, sucks its blood and can also transmit deadly diseases.

Removal requires caution: your natural urge to yank it off will leave the tick’s head buried in your pet’s skin, which could lead to disease. Your pet might also do this unwittingly by scratching at the tick.

Happily, the team at Bayswater Veterinary Clinic can help you safely remove a tick from your cat, dog or other vulnerable animal. Visit us immediately if you need assistance and our vet nurses will be happy to assist.

How to remove a tick

You can also use our guide to removing ticks, illustrated at each step so you can quickly see what to do.

Download our tick removal guide

If you’re planning to remove a tick yourself, you’ll need a special tool. If you’re unsure where to find one, just give us a ring on 020 7229 2040.

Your tick questions answered

Our Bayswater team is used to dealing with ticks, so we’ve put together a list of frequently-asked questions for you.

What are ticks?

Ticks are oval-bodied, external parasites which embed their head into the host’s skin to suck blood. Their body size varies depending on how much blood they drink. What you see on your pet is just a small, bean-like figure stuck on the skin, either cream or grey in colour.

Where do ticks come from?

Pets usually pick up ticks from long grass and woodland areas, particularly in the summer months. Ticks most commonly attach to the face, neck, underside of the body and inside legs of cats and dogs.

What problems can ticks cause?

Ticks should be removed correctly as soon as they are spotted. If their head remains in the skin, this can lead to an abscess forming. Plus, if left attached for more than 24 hours, ticks can occasionally lead to disease.

If I remove a tick myself, how should I handle it?

A tick remover is a small, plastic, fork-like object with a curved handle. First, check our guide to removing ticks. Avoid touching it with bare hands once you’ve successfully removed it. Dispose of it carefully (away from your pet).

What if removing a tick goes wrong?

Call us immediately if you suspect part of the tick is still under your pet’s skin. Even if you successfully remove it, you should still watch closely to make sure the site heals and to spot any signs of illness. If you have any doubts, get in touch so we can advise you.

Ask us about ticks

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