COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – an update for our clients.


How are we doing? We want your views

December 21, 2017

As we pride ourselves on being a friendly local vet practice, it’s really important to us to know how we’re doing. Do you find us easy to contact and consult? Is our monthly email newsletter useful?

You might only have visited us for annual vaccinations, or you might need more frequent appointments due to an ongoing condition suffered by your pet – but however much or little we see you, your opinion counts.

If there’s anything we could be doing better, we want to know about it. So, please help our vet Michael and the team by telling us what you think.

How? Well, it’s quick and easy.

Simply complete our annual customer survey, choosing whether you’d like:

  1. To remain anonymous – Give us your thoughts without telling us who you are.
  2. To get a response from us – Add your details so we can get back to you.

Start our customer survey

If you have any urgent feedback for the Bayswater Vets team, please don’t hesitate to contact us at your convenience to discuss it further.

If you’re generally happy with our services and enjoy hearing from us, please leave us your comments or a quote on the survey.

We look forward to receiving your feedback.

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