February 7, 2020
Rabbits make great pets for everyone, from families with children who are learning about responsibility and caring for a creature to animal-lovers with limited space and time. And, although they are unique little delights, they have at least one thing in common with many other animal breeds in this country – lots of them need rescuing.
If you’re considering adopting a pet, you might want to think about taking in a bunny, and the team at Bayswater Veterinary Clinic offer here some reasons why. Of course, you may still have some questions as to whether a rabbit is the right pet for your household, in which case you can always contact us to discuss the matter further.
Why adopt a rabbit?
Apart from anything else, rabbits are cute, cuddly, friendly and relatively easy to care for. They don’t need taking for walks or obedience training, and they can be left alone in their secure hutch without you fearing that they’re pining.
You don’t even need to have an outside space – many people successfully keep rabbits as house pets – and they are quite long-lived, possibly up to the age of about 10, so they tick many boxes.
But of course, as with any pet, they do need basic care from an owner, including regular vet check-ups, which we will always be happy to set up for you when you get in touch to arrange an appointment.
Understanding a rabbit’s dietary needs is especially important as they need to eat the right things to keep their constantly-growing incisor teeth at the right length, and they do need stimulation like any creature – which means you have the fun of setting up playtime for them.
Again, Bayswater Vets’ team will be happy to suggest suitable toys and other ways to keep your bunny active and playful when you call on 020 7229 2040.
Many rabbits are in need of rescuing, so if you’re ready to give one a good home, check out your local animal shelters and find the new pet for you. Many are still operating during the Coronavirus outbreak, al be it with amended ways of working.
Send us a picture of your rescue rabbit
If you have an appointment coming up or if your pet needs urgent attention, then please read our latest COVID-19 information on the current situation.