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Has your rabbit got fleas?

March 7, 2020

As the weather begins to warm up we are heading into flea season and, while rabbits are not as susceptible to infestation as other domestic pets such as cats and dogs, they do occasionally pick up fleas, either from other pets or from garden wildlife.

Here’s how to spot if your rabbit may have fleas and some suggestions for treatment, courtesy of the team at Bayswater Veterinary Clinic, who will be happy to answer any other questions you may have on the subject when you contact us for advice.

Contact us for rabbit flea advice

Has your rabbit got fleas?

Look out for the following tell-tale signs:

  • Your rabbit nibbling or scratching its skin
  • Fur loss
  • Flea bitemarks – small red bumps on your rabbit’s skin
  • Evidence of flea droppings, which look like specks of black dirt
  • Anaemia – fleas suck blood and if they’re present in large numbers can make your bunny quite weak. If you think this is the case check to see if your rabbit’s gums are a healthy pink or look rather pale

If you suspect your rabbit has fleas, its best to pay us a visit at 35 Alexander Street, Bayswater, London, W2 5NU so our vet Christina can give your pet a thorough check-over, as some of the symptoms described can be the result of other diseases or parasites.

Some treatments you can apply yourself, including using a flea comb to trap the parasites then drown them in hot, soapy water. Disinfect your rabbit’s hutch and if it lives inside treat your home and all other pets too.

While rabbits don’t tend to need ongoing flea treatments, Christina will be able to prescribe a treatment to deal with a one-off infestation. Simply contact us to make an appointment so we can put your mind at rest and help keep your rabbit flea-free.

Contact us for rabbit flea advice

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