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Going on holiday? Consider a cat sitter

July 14, 2019

While one of the many joys of summer is the advent of holidays, it can be difficult to decide how best to care for your cat while you’re away.

There are some excellent catteries in London, but not everyone feels comfortable about leaving their pet in a non-domestic setting. And you may prefer to maintain their everyday routine.

Home boarding or stay-at-home care is an increasingly popular option – so it’s important to choose the right arrangement to suit your cat’s needs. With this in mind, the team at Bayswater Veterinary Clinic has put together a few handy tips that you may find useful.

No matter which option you think you might choose for your pet, feel welcome to pop in and chat to our vet nurses if you have concerns.

Ask our vet nurses for advice

Types of holiday care for cats

Daily visits can be carried out by a friend, neighbour or professional pet sitter, making sure that your cat has enough food, water and other necessary care.

Live-in care is like an advanced version of daily visits, as your feline friend has constant attention and company; it can live almost as usual.

In both cases, it can also be reassuring to know that someone is at your home each day in your absence, checking everything is secure and that your pet is healthy.

Whatever you choose, you need to check with your selected cat sitter to make sure they’ll provide the following:

  • Regular visits: cats should be visited at least twice daily, so if you’re a cat owner in Bayswater, consider whether your sitter lives near enough to do this
  • Meals: the volume and routine should ideally be the same as if you were at home
  • Water: fresh water must always be available
  • Litter: cat litter trays should be cleaned twice daily, especially during warm weather

Choosing a responsible cat sitter

As your pet is one of the most important parts of your life, you’ll feel better while you’re away if you know that someone trustworthy and knowledgeable is responsible.

Our vet nurse, Kate, recommends checking:

  1. References: if it isn’t someone you know personally, are they able to provide contact details for other clients?
  2. Knowledge: the sitter should be able to spot signs of ill health and be aware of any specific issues. And if your pet needs regular medication, they should be capable of administering it.
  3. Quality time: the person should be willing to offer adequate companionship.
  4. Insurance: if your pet sitter is a professional, they should be insured – so check their documents.

Feel free to call us on 020 7229 2040 if you’d like any further advice.

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