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Five things to consider before adopting a dog

February 14, 2020

It’ a sad fact that many dogs are in need of a home, for any number of reasons – they may have been abandoned, treated badly, born in the care of one of the many rescue centres around the country or an owner may have died or be no longer able to care for their pet.

Adopting a dog is not for everyone, but if you think you may be able to re-home a pet please read on for some tips on how to go about it. The team at our friendly vet practice in Bayswater can also help you get prepared when you contact us.

Contact us for advice

Adopting a dog

The RSPCA has plenty of advice on this and of course, along with the Dogs Trust, is one of the best-known animal charities that looks to rehome dogs, so whatever type of dog you’re looking for it’s likely that they or another rescue charity will have a suitable candidate.

But here are a few things to bear in mind when you’re on the road to adopting.

  • Is your home ready for a dog? For example, do you have a nice safe space to keep their bed, which will be your dog’s sanctuary?
  • Is the dog suitable for all the family – have you considered allergies?
  • Is your home dog-proof – is the garden secure, are there any potentially dangerous trees or plants around?
  • Is your lifestyle suitable to adopting a dog? If you choose a pet that is nervous around people or other dogs, or has come from an environment in which it wasn’t properly socialised, do you have the time to commit to tending its needs?
  • Have you weighed up the cost of looking after a dog?

Rehoming a pet is one of the most rewarding things an animal lover can do and we love to meet your new family members when you pop into our Alexander Street practice. So if you have already adopted a dog, why not swing by and say hello, or send a picture of your rescue dog to our Facebook page

Send us a picture of your rescue dog

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