COVID-19 (Coronavirus) – an update for our clients.


Coronavirus (Covid-19) FAQs for Bayswater Vets

June 15, 2020

With the Coronavirus situation developing almost daily, Mr.Gordon and the team want to become your reliable reference point for all matters relating to the health of your pet/s.

To help us achieve this, we’ve created this simple Frequently Asked Questions article to help you access all our latest animal welfare information.  If you need to contact us, please call the surgery on 020 7229 2040.

Are you open?

We are only open for emergencies and to help poorly pets. As of the 15th June 2020, we will be open normal hours 9am – 6pm. Please call us in advance before you visit the practice.

As a rule of thumb, if it is not urgent, then we’ll do it when restrictions are lifted.

If you’re unsure – call us on 020 7229 2040 before you travel.

If it’s an emergency – follow our normal emergency procedure

What about social distancing at the practice?

If you do have to visit the practice for any reason then, to help with social distancing, we have a number of different options now available to minimise human contact whilst ensuring your pet doesn’t miss out on vital pet care:

  1. We can offer telephone consultations for many health issues, follow-up checks, and routine care.
  2. Call us when you arrive and wait in the car to be called in for your appointment.
  3. Bring your pet to our doors and we’ll hand them back after their examination.
  4. Some medications can be ordered and paid for over the phone and contact can be kept to a minimum when collecting.
  5. Non-urgent procedures ​and treatments​ will be postponed for now.
  6. Talk to us on​ 020 7229 2040 about what’s best for your pet at this time.

Reasons YOUR PET should come to us include:

  1. Emergencies such as wounds, shock, stings, snake bites, ingesting poisons, eating toxic food, seizures, bloating, trauma, etc.

  2. They are undergoing treatment for a serious illness.
  3. Unusual loss of appetite or a detrimental change in behaviour.
  4. Their anal glands are blocked and causing discomfort – this can be painful and lead to infection

What should I do if I have a pet emergency?

Visit the ‘Emergency Care’ pages of our website and follow the instructions.

How do I access general preventative healthcare like vaccinations, flea & worm treatment?

These are still available on a case by case basis. Please contact us on 020 7229 2040 and we’ll tell you how to access what you need.

General Pet Healthcare Advice

We have produced a number of articles to help pet owners through the Coronavirus epidemic.  You can access these on our News Pages now.

Alternatively, you can sign up to get our monthly updates by email by visiting our sign-up page and sharing a few details.  During the outbreak, this service is free & available to all.



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