November 21, 2018
Animals must think we’ve all gone crackers at Christmas, with sparkly decorations everywhere, new food smells coming from the kitchen and extra people around the house.
While dogs and cats may enjoy taking part in the festivities, small pets have a very different idea of what they consider to be fun – and as an owner, you need to consider what’s right for their health and wellbeing, too.
If you keep rabbits, we’ve summed up our favourite three gift ideas for bunnies, so read on to learn more. Or alternatively, if you have a different type of small pet – such as hamsters, rats or guinea pigs – why not get in touch with Kate or another of our vet nurses for some Christmas advice?
Plus, if you have any concerns about your small pet’s winter health, consider making an appointment with our vet Christina, to set your mind at rest.
Our three best gift ideas for rabbits…
- A companion
Rabbits benefit hugely from company (and can even become unwell if they’re lonely) – so if you have a solo bunny, consider getting them a friend. It’s wise to get both neutered, too, unless you want an unexpected brood of new bunnies next year! This may also help them get on better, as non-neutered rabbits can present behavioural challenges. In general, however, rabbits are very sociable creatures and hopefully your new pair will be the best of friends. If not, we may be able to suggest methods to help, so don’t hesitate to ask us. - A better home
There are numerous ways you can improve your rabbit’s day-to-day life, but the best (aside from a friend, of course) is to make sure their house and garden are the very best they can be. You could upgrade your rabbit’s hutch to a bigger size; make it warmer in winter (or move the hutch to a warmer spot); and also improve their access to a safe space to run, or make it bigger. - Edible treats
Providing you choose vet-approved options, your rabbit will really enjoy a novelty food gift now and again. Items such as edible grass houses, tasty herbs and premium rabbit food might give them a little boost and make them feel extra-loved. If you’re unsure what’s available around Bayswater that’s safe for rabbits, just ask our friendly team for a few tips.
And don’t forget to share festive snaps of your small pets on our Facebook page, too…