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Adam Maxton has cat wellness advice for owners in London

January 7, 2022

If 2021 was a hectic year, your cat probably felt it too. Now is the perfect time for you both to de-stress and focus on wellbeing. Our Head Vet, Adam Maxton, has some proactive advice for helping your cat get their ‘mojo’ back and enjoy the year ahead.

Booking a visit with our fully qualified veterinary nurses in between your cat’s annual vaccination and vet health check, is a great way to assess how they are doing. Our Bayswater nurses can advise you on ways to boost your cat’s health and mood.

Book a nurse visit for your cat

Cat grooming

Stroking and brushing your cat’s fur has health benefits for the both of you, thanks to its calming and soothing nature. Cats do love to groom themselves but most will enjoy a little extra help, and will appreciate dirt, debris, and matted hair being removed.

Plus, a cat grooming session is the ideal opportunity for the two of you to bond, and for you to check for lumps, bumps, and fleas. You will need a cat grooming brush and/or grooming glove, and a flea comb.

How often you groom your cat depends on the length of their coat – long-haired cats need grooming daily, whereas shorter coats will be fine with a weekly brush.

Remember, we’re always on the end of the phone should you spot anything concerning whilst grooming your cat. Call us on 020 7229 2040.

Cat enrichment & exercise

Providing sources of mental stimulation and enrichment is important for your cat’s wellbeing too. Bored cats can become unhappy and start to develop behavioural issues.

Cat grooming is one form of enrichment, but you should also include some more energetic options. Our cat-loving nurses have pulled together six enrichment ideas that will get your cat moving more, as we all know exercise is good for the body and mind.

Try these ideas:

  1. Make mealtimes more interesting with cat puzzle feeders, or hide dry kibble around your home.
  2. Buy toys that help your cat use their natural predator instincts, like ‘prey’ on the end of string, or moving toys they can chase.
  3. Make DIY toys out of cardboard boxes, tubes, string, and other household items.
  4. Teach them tricks – this will take patience, perseverance, and treats!
  5. Scratching posts give cats something to do and help keep their nails trim.
  6. Try making an obstacle course or a cat home gym – just search YouTube for lots of ideas.

Cat nutrition

Another way to make your cat happy and healthy is to feed them a good quality, nutritious diet. With so many different foods out there, it can be difficult to know what to choose. Come and talk to our Vet Nurses in Bayswater about the best types of cat food for age, lifestyle, dental care, and many other health needs.

Contact us to book a Nurse visit

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