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A better Christmas for cats around Bayswater

November 7, 2018

With Christmas on the way, people everywhere start planning a happy, busy schedule of activities – and for pet owners, this always affects furry members of the household.

For cats, it can be a fun time of year, with tasty morsels of food all over the place and decorations to play with. However, changes in routine can be stressful – while ingesting and toying with unfamiliar things could be unhealthy, or even dangerous.

At Bayswater Veterinary Clinic, our team has come up with a few tips to help you keep your cat safe and make sure they enjoy the season. So keep reading to learn more – and take a look at our handy infographic, too.

More about cats at Christmas

Make Christmas better for your cat

  • Visitors and celebrations – Try to keep life as normal as possible for your cat, as they find routine comforting. Extra noise created by house guests and excited children may appear threatening, so make sure your cat has plenty of ‘safe’ spaces to retreat to during times of stress. You don’t want to end up roaming London in search of them, if they get spooked and run away.
  • Your cat’s festive diet – A bit of cooked turkey should certainly be appreciated by your cat – and shouldn’t do any harm. But pigs-in-blankets and chocolate won’t agree with their digestive system, so you could end up with a poorly puss. Keep food stored where your cat can’t reach it and close doors whenever possible. Also bear in mind that if you spoil your cat at Christmas, they may not fancy their usual food afterwards.
  • Decorative hazards – Christmas trees, decorations and lights may look like appealing toys to your cat – but they carry risks, too. If your cat enjoys climbing, make sure you secure your tree to a wall or ceiling; or make it inaccessible to your cat. We also recommend breakage-resistant ornaments – and don’t put candles anywhere that your cat could knock them over. Plus, festive plants such as poinsettias, holly, ivy, mistletoe and yew are poisonous to cats, so should be kept out of reach.

If you’re worried about something your cat has eaten, don’t delay – please contact us immediately on 020 7229 2040. We can help you assess the severity of the situation and provide urgent care if needed.

Also, if you have any particular concerns about your cat’s behaviour at Christmas, don’t hesitate to ask our advice in advance. A consultation with vet Victoria or another member of our friendly team could help set your mind at rest.

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