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7 top tips on winter coat care for cats

January 7, 2021

Winter in London is in full swing, and that can be problematic for your feline friend’s fur if you don’t help them take care of it.

A cat’s coat contains millions of soft, silky hairs designed to regulate heat and protect them from the elements, as well as provide vital sensory aids. Our head nurse Kate Locke has this advice on how to provide optimum winter coat care for your cat.

Ask us about cat coat care products. Contact Us.

1. Help with grooming

Cats sometimes need help grooming their thicker winter coat to remove dirt and debris from the outdoors. Brush your cat more regularly this season to help prevent their thicker coat from becoming matted and tangled.

2. Be careful with tangles

If your cat’s fur has become matted, be extra careful when trying to remove tangles as they can be painful and cats can be sensitive. Use clippers designed for sensitive areas and never use scissors as you risk cutting their thin skin.

3. A winter coat of fur not fat

A cat’s winter coat should be lined with fur, not fat. If your cat is less active during winter, keep an eye on their weight. An overweight cat is at risk of health problems and won’t be able to reach everywhere to groom.

4. Omega 3 is key

A healthy, balanced diet containing Omega 3 can help your cat grow a thicker, shinier, and healthier coat. Opt for a cat food that’s been specially formulated for healthier coats. Before changing your cat’s diet, speak to your vet for advice.

5. Keep parasites away

Fleas, worms, and mites can cause havoc inside and on your cat. Make sure to keep up to date with parasite treatments to avoid any extra problems for your cat’s coat.

6. Too much heat can cause problems

Turning up the heating too much and drying out the air indoors can lead to skin and coat problems, like dandruff and itchiness. It can also create static electricity. Avoid giving your cat an electric shock by using a dehumidifier, wiping your cat with a pet-friendly wipe before grooming them, and not using fabric softener on your cat’s bedding (some contain chemicals that are toxic to cats).

7. Only bathe if absolutely necessary

Most cats dislike water, that’s a given. If your cat is muddy, try waiting for it to dry before brushing it off. Sometimes though, a cat bath might be your only option.

Be careful as some pet shampoos can exacerbate existing dryness by stripping the skin and fur of its natural oils.

Talk to our team about the best cat coat care products.

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