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10 Fascinating Facts About Cats

January 14, 2025

Cats are some of the most fascinating and beloved pets in the world, known for their independence and quirky personalities. They’ve captured the hearts of millions, with around 11 million cats residing in 26% of UK households (2023 UK Pet Food Survey)! Below, Bayswater Vets are sharing 10 fun facts about pet cats that might surprise you!

Our cat-loving vets and nurses in Bayswater love helping local cat owners understand more about their pets and provide them with the very best care. Get in touch for advice that’s tailored to your cat’s individual needs.

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Bayswater Vets’ 10 fun facts about cats

Did you know that…

1. Cats can make over 100 sounds

From meows and purrs to chirps and growls, cats use a wide range of vocalisations to communicate their needs and feelings, such as to ask for food, seek attention, or communicate with other cats. For advice on the best food for your cat’s individual needs, contact us to book a nutrition appointment with our veterinary nurses in Bayswater.

2. They have an impressive memory

Cats can remember locations, people, and past experiences for years, showing long-term memory skills comparable to dogs.

3. Whiskers are more than just cute

Highly sensitive, whiskers help cats navigate, detect air changes, and judge space to avoid getting stuck – vital for hunting and movement.

4. Cats can sleep for 16 hours a day

Our cat-owning vets and nurses in Bayswater concur with this one; cats sleep 12 -16 hours a day on average, conserving energy for their natural hunting instincts, even if that just means playing or chasing toys!

5. They have “right” and “left” paws

Like humans, cats display a paw preference when performing tasks (such as reaching for something or grooming), with some being right-pawed and others left-pawed. This is known as “lateralisation” and can reveal a cat’s dominant side.

Bayswater Vets’ team think it would be fun to discover whether your cat is a righty or a lefty! Try monitoring their movements when grooming, playing, and interacting with you and other household pets.

6. Cats have a third eyelid

A thin nictitating membrane located in the inner corner of their eyes provides extra protection and helps keep their eyes moist and vision clear of debris.

7. Ancient Egyptians worshipped cats

Cats were symbols of grace, protection and fertility in ancient Egypt, and harming one, even accidentally, was a serious crime.

8. Cats can hear higher frequencies than dogs

Bayswater Vets’ team think you might find this one surprising, but cats can hear higher frequencies than dogs, with a range of 48 Hz to 85,000 Hz, compared to dogs’ range of 67 Hz to 60,000 Hz. While dogs excel at detecting distant sounds, cats’ exceptional high-frequency hearing allows them to locate ultrasonic noises made by small prey. In comparison, humans can only hear up to 20,000 Hz.

9. Cats don’t sweat like we do

Unlike humans, cats don’t sweat through their skin. Instead, they cool themselves by panting and by sweating through the pads of their paws. This makes it especially important for cat owners in London to ensure their cats stay cool during hot weather to avoid heat stroke.

10. A cat’s nose print is unique

Just like human fingerprints, every cat has a unique nose print. The pattern of ridges and bumps on a cat’s nose is as distinctive as fingerprints are for humans. No two cats’ nose prints are alike!

These fascinating facts show just how unique and remarkable cats are as pets. Whether they’re purring in your lap, chasing a toy, or staring out the window, cats bring a little bit of mystery and magic into our lives every day. Bring your beloved cat to see our vets in Bayswater for a nose-to-tail health check and tailored cat care and advice.

Contact us for tailored cat care


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