April 14, 2019
How to transport your rabbit
Rabbits are anxious animals that are easily spooked and scared, which is why even a simple trip to the vets can be a big event for these small furries.
Chat to us about travelling with your rabbit
First off: ensure your vehicle is cool and well ventilated – avoid travelling at the hottest time of day. And never leave your rabbit unattended in the car.
Check your little friend often and ensure it has constant access to hay and fresh clean water. It should be able to drink the same way it does at home (bottle or bowl). And keep it well fed; your rabbit should never have an empty stomach before going to the vet – even prior to an operation.
Also, don’t be surprised if your bunny urinates due to stress. Come prepared by layering the cage with newspaper or hay.
We often advise not to take your rabbit on long journeys, but if it’s unavoidable, try following Bayswater Veterinary Clinic’s simple set of guidelines.
Four more ways to reduce rabbit travel anxiety
- Ensure constant hiding places are available
- Ensure their travel cage is sturdy and cannot be chewed (no cardboard)
- Allow your rabbit to explore the cage in the home environment in the week before your journey
- Place familiar items in the cage, like a favourite toy or used bedding
Safety in numbers
Rabbits that live together should travel together. Plus, rabbits enjoy travelling with others. Group travel means that the same scents are transferred to each other while out of the home.
Want to learn more about travelling with a rabbit? The friendly team at Bayswater Vets are on hand to help, so don’t hesitate to contact us.